Wendy's "Super Double Cheese Burger" Tasting Review Using Three Types of Cheese

From Wednesday, April 16Wendy'sThe name "King of Cheeseburger" is celebrated and "Super Double Cheese Burger" is now on sale. Also, on April 8 (Tuesday), "Strawberry & Cheesecake Parfa" using soft cream was on sale, so I bought both together.

Review from below.
I bought it and arranged it side by side.

Super Double Cheese Burger. Let's take out from wrapping paper when you can warm it with a microwave oven.

Patty is as big as ever.

Cheddar cheese,Monterey Jack,GorgonzolaThree types of cheese are used.

Cheese also between Patti and Patti.

Unlike McDonald's, the meat juice that comes out every time you chew is a wonderful word. Because the taste of the meat is properly done, there is a sense of fulfillment feeling that it is hanging on hamburger than "hamburger" of junk food. Also, it has plenty of onion and it has a healthy feeling for the large amount of meat. Good dish you can delicious until the last one.

Strawberry & cheesecake parfait. Cheese cake is cut small.

All white parts are vanilla ice cream.

Eating a square cheesecake part and a vanilla ice part together is very delicious. Likewise, if you also crush and strawberry it has a refreshing acidity and it matches quite a bit. Also, flakes sinking towards the bottom also had a moderate crunchy feeling, so I was able to have chill. But today it was raining and it was a cool day, so my body was cold at once.

in Tasting, Posted by logc_nt