Hollywood celebrities get dirty like this

If it is said in Japan, for example, it is a rude project where prejudice of the feeling such as "If a movie star or a talent is in the country" is filled. There are various pictures that celebrities are changed to fashion and ridiculous style that is rural like it is rural.

Details are as follows.
Second actor, Tom Cruise.

I became a shy buddy.

Saturday Night Fever is a big hit actor John Travolta.

It seems that it will really look like this after ten years or so ....

Actor Johnny Depp who is active in Jack Sparrow of Pirates of the Caribbean.

There is a beard in the beard.

Sharon Stone who finished up to the stardom with a total recall and a smile of ice

But it is still beautiful.

Mr. and Mrs. Beckham.

Country celebrity?

As an image character of SOFTBANK MOBILE, Cameron Diaz is familiar with CM.

The atmosphere is pretty much left.

Singer Britney Spears.

I became frightened.

Jennifer Lopez and her husband Mark Anthony.

You look happy, are not you?

Other celebrity pictures are from below.
Oklahoma Celebrities | Wintrest.com

in Note, Posted by logc_nt