Finally, BS / CS-compatible model "Freio (black)" launched today
Taiwan's digital high-definition television adapter released as a copy-free terrestrial digital tuner, and a spectacular competition went unprecedented each time it is resoldFriio (Free)At last, however, models corresponding to BS digital broadcasting and 110 degree digital CS broadcasting are to be released.
Main body color is black and selling is done from today, chances to purchase can be divided into 3 degrees.
Details are as below.
Friio - Digital Hi-Vision TV Adapter "Freeio"
According to this page, the BS / CS compatible model of the digital Hi - Vision adapter "Freio" will be sold today at 13, 20, and tomorrow at 21 o'clock. By the way it is not compatible with terrestrial digital broadcasting, USB cable is included. B-CAS card is necessary for use.
PayPal's credit card payment is required for purchase and detailsOrder pageSee for example. The price is 32,800 yen.
Enhancement of the server is done, and the opportunity to purchase is divided into three so that will it become available a little smoothly?
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