Yahoo! Collaborative product with JAPAN, Maru-chan "Honki Sakari" ramen and snack taste review

Toyo Fishery known as Maru-chan brand and Yahoo! JAPAN collaborated to create "Maru-chan serious (Magi Mori) garlic burned oil soy sauce pig bones" "Maru-chan serious serious (Maji Mori) chicken plenty rich salt". Yahoo! The popularity vote of soup and ingredients was done on the special site of this site, and it seems that he developed it based on the total result of 1.6 million votes.

Also, I bought snacks based on this ramen, so I bought it.

Details are as follows.
The yellow package is "chicken lumpy salt", the black package is "garlic burned oil soy sauce bone".

I like to eat tasty which seems to be able to vote.

Chicken dumplings come out.

Meat plenty.

Pour hot water and wait 3 minutes.

Finally complete with special oil.

"Honki Sakari" series is a product that satisfied degree of satiety is high from the past, but this time also gathered in the stomach and got stuck in the stomach. "Chicken plump rich salt" is rich in taste, it feels like soup is soooo tender. "Garlic burned oil soy sauce pig bone" receives the impression that it got quite heavy from the name, but it is more refreshing taste than I thought. Both are going nice and it seems hard to choose either.

And I bought this ramen because Japan fritray made snacks.

This is "rich chicken rich salty".

This is "garlic burned oil thick rich pork bread"

It is a rich flavored snack that makes throat dry soon, but this time the ramen taste is more rich, so I wanted a little more seasoned change.

in Tasting, Posted by logc_nt