Lawson "Men's Mont Blanc" Tasting Review

I bought "Men's Mont Blanc" and "Mont Blanc Purpafe" at Lawson. Speaking of Mont Blanc, there are many things that looks like excitement and the outside looks brownish, but this Mont Blanc is big in yellow, so if you leave the lid open, it looks just like a salt-baked soba I will.

Review from below.
Men's Mont Blanc raw materials etc.

This is Mont Blanc Parfait.

Men's Mont Blanc. It's too big to have it ....

The parfait is scattered a little caramel of pudding in the accident during transportation.

Men's Mont Blanc is not visible from the outside, but there is also a layer of malon cream on the bottom, attacking with chestnut taste from above and below. On the other hand, Mont Blanc Purpafer is feeling that the taste of chocolate cake and fresh cream mix. As "Mont Blanc" Men's Mont Blanc is more like that, but as it is this size the same chestnut taste gets bored after the same taste continues, so if you eat, Mont Blanc Purple Parfait does not get tired of feeling good. I can eat a huge parfaiton, but a single taste and huge one alone is tough.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by logc_nt