"Private Ryan" Movie that reproduced the landing operation to Omaha beach at the beginning by three people

Director Stephen Spielberg's film "Private Ryan" is drawing the Omaha beach landing strategy thoroughly for about 20 minutes at the beginning of the movie, but there was a movie reproduced with only three people. However, it was not a layman's plan but a program of BBC programs. Although the budget that can be put on with the movie is completely different, it is quite a powerful movie. It is amazing to be able to make it at this level without using a lot of extra.

The movie is from the following.
YouTube - Richard Hammond presents Bloody Omaha (The Graphics)

This is BBC's "Top GearPlanning. There are 3 performers (there are many more staff), the shooting period seems to be only 4 days. It is unknown how much you spent budgeting, but you can do something to a certain extent without having so much budget.

"Private Ryan" will be reproduced in 3 days by 4 people! - Tomohiro Machiyama living in the Bay Area American diary

in Video, Posted by logc_nt