Liberal Democratic Party opens official page on YouTube

LDP as YouTube, as the official video site "LDP channelIt seems that he opened the company.

In the pastMr. Izuo Ozawa of Democratic Party appeared as guest of Nico Nico DougaThere is, it is the first time in Japan 's party that opened an official website on YouTube.

Details are as below.
LDP channel

According to this page, "LDP channel" opened this time is an official dynamic video site of LDP established in advance of each party in Japan, video messages by Liberal Democratic Party leaders including Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda etc. are delivered It is said that there is.

In addition, there is also a commentary on "LDP history" looking back on the past LDP history and commentary on the topic "New Terrorism Bill and Bill".

in Note,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log