A movie that Annick carefully explains the self-defense technique that can not be defeated even when attacked

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It is a movie that thoroughly explains how to deal with so-called defensive techniques, such as when you fight in the city or when you are hit by an opponent with a knife. Assuming various situations, you can grasp how to make the other party thoroughly bogoboko.

The incarnation of self defense technique is from the following.
5 min - Learn how to street fight - Video

It is terrible and I am beating the opponent by the time it is completely absent. Incidentally, there is a movie that explained the movie in more detail than the above movie. There are over 6 minutes, but it is pretty fulfilling content. In the second half will also explain how to confront opponents with guns. As a matter of fact whether it can be done, it is quite amazing.

YouTube - Bas Rutten Street Defense - The Better Version

No matter what happens, it may be okay with this.

in Video, Posted by darkhorse