No More Disposable Chopsticks! Go Greener with the "Chopsticks Bra"

Disposable wooden chopsticks are widely used in Japan at diners and foodstands, or accompanying takeaway meals. It's not very eco-friendly, as you can tell.
To encourage people to carry their own chopsticks and reduce the consumption of disposables, Japanese lingerie maker Triumph International made a concept-bra "My Hashi Bra (My Chopsticks Bra)".
Read on for details and more pics.
(Japanese)Triumph International
It combined kimono-like textile with a set of collapsible chopsticks and replica foods, another unique Japanese product.
Looks like the miso-soup is on the verge of spilling.

Chopsticks could be folded and tucked in pockets, and work as a side-bone to prevent the breasts from spreading apart. The little bow in the middle could be used as a chopstick rest.

With matching panties.

Unfortunately, these are not for sale, designed strictly for public relation purposes.
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in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log