China will make the world's longest firecrackers with a total length of 33 km

It seems that China is trying to produce a rude firecracker with a length of 20.5 miles (about 33 km) and to record it. This firecracker is scheduled to be exhibited at the Luoyang International Firecracker Festival to be held on 26th October, and because it is waterproofing it is not worried if it rains.

Details are as below.Ananova - World's longest fireworks party?

There are 35 fireworks factories in Liuyang City, Hunan Province in China, but that fireworks factory cooperates to make a long firecracker. Zeng Mengxiong, the chief of this project, predicts that it will take 85 to 90 minutes for all the firecrackers to explode, "Although the speed at which the fire propagates in the early stage and the final stage of the total length of 33 km slows down, Then it will be very fast. "

I am a little worried that injured person will not come out, but on the same day, on the both sides of the firecrackers a space of more than 10 meters is spared so that more than 3,000 security guards will be deployed.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log