Headline news on October 11, 2007

I sang the difficulty of defeating the enemy character · Air Man who appears in NES game "Rockman 2"Air man can not be defeated"ButDecided to be karaoke with JOYSOUNDI heard he did.The scheduled delivery date is October 31, and the song number is 167506. Movie clipCan be seen on YouTubeThe CD which was originally being sold at the doujin shop only,Handling at Amazon beganIt seems like it is possible for more people to get it.

So, tomorrowOctober 12. In 1492 Columbus discovered the United States, and in 1940 the Osamu Pacific Association was established to promote the new regime movement. In 2005, China successfully launched manned spacecraft Shenboang No. 6. Also, Gagaku musician Togi Hideki was born in 1959, an actress and a girlfriend, Miyako Butterfly, died in 2000.

Today's headline news.
Slashdot Japan If you have a more cool CPU cooler besides 100,000 yen(Hardware, prize money comes out only on first-come first-served basis)

Evolution of optical fiber with anti-warfare measures: ITpro(Hardware prevents misunderstanding as a dead tree and kidney eggs)

Sticky note that upgraded navigation performance Gizmodo Japan (Gizmodo · Japan)(Accessories, it seems to be difficult to understand)

WIRED VISION - Accident report of cable and battery successively(Hardware, Apple's laptop is dangerous)

DVD making it a lighting fixture DVD Gizmodo Japan (Gizmodo · Japan)(Software, only the colors of all 8 colors are displayed)

Open Tech Press | Audacity to digitize records and tapes(Software, you can enjoy vintage sound source with high sound quality in MP3 player)

Painful news (No ∀ `) Mid-day Yamamoto Masato wins the radio control competition(Sports, the record so far is also amazing)

Asahi.com: The first sailor uniforms are one year earlier than Heian Girls 'College Fukuoka girls' college - living(Note, the atmosphere is quite different from the current sailor suit)

Yahoo! JAPAN and Japan Net Bank start cashing Yahoo! points (japan.internet.com) - Yahoo! News(Net service, it becomes exchangeable from 1000 points or more and it is converted at 85 yen per 100 points)

Expressway can be made free (Yamazaki Noriyo's "Syunzentai"): NBonline (Nikkei Business Online)(There are too many taxes for business and automobile relations)

Charlize Theron, Entertainment My Combi Journal Selected as "The Sexiest Woman in the World"(Memo,WikipediaThere are pictures)

A special hospital like a resort hotel! Senri Rehabilitation Hospital appearance Life My comic journal(Health, there is also a private room with tatami flooring)

I want to protect only here! Basic knowledge of "key points of a man"(The living thing, the center line of the body is full of vital points)

It was during the Heian period that affair became "bad"!(Romance, penalties set by successive formula)

Questionnaire on suits (suit) - Net research Research results of DIMSDRIVE [DIMSDRIVE](The top is "design" at the point of choosing business, suit)

About not bringing materials for the number of people to the conference - 18 til i die(Present work and materials in advance to have them know the main point)

Tower of Druaga Animation PV release(Animation, production is GONZO)

Current affairs dot: Popular game, transfer to Nintendo again = For PS3 go ahead, to Wii - Capcom(Game, how will PS3)

I am doing a Waranote tutor, but the fighting power of my students is outrageous(2 ch, sense feels)

Smash Bell Fist !! Character - Sonic(Game, Sonic the Hedgehog enters the Super Smash Bros. Smash Brothers X)

Nintendo shares updated high listed price, 65800 yen - liking the announcement - iNSIDE(Game, Sonic effect?)

100 Xbox 360 softwares gifts are chaos - Ehtaru Mamen(Does it belong to a game, cardboard box?)

Painful news (No ∀ `)" Sony, bastard "popular game" Monster Hunter "ceases development at" PS 3 "→ Nintendo" Wii "... Big title Nintendo transfers continue(Game, PS3 is serious and jerky)

GameSpark - "Final Fantasy" character made with Origami (Origami)(Memo, origami of Sephiros and Chocobo)

A thief who stole 60 kilos coins in China, too heavy to run away | Ameba News(Overseas, where 100 police officers are acting to get hold of thieves is also amazing)

Tea Fairy: Overseas anime fans' question "Can I go out on the roof of the school?" - livedoor Blog (blog)(Animation, rooftop scenes seems to be easier to draw)

【Report】 Infiltrate the world's most horrifying haunted house collaborating with "Resident Evil"! - Fujikyu Highland (1) Popular attraction "Shaked labyrinth" has renewed and appeared Entertainment My comic journal(Theme park, proceed while defeating zombies with a gun)

Drunkard transport "refusal" ... Kobe secondary emergency hospital cooperation News from Kansai YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Memo, damage caused by drunkards carried out has come out)

What I would like to ask grandmother taking a grandson on a train - in the head(I understand the feelings of grandmother who does not want to sit living, grandchild but next door is troubled)

@nifty: Daily Portal Z: Smoking Therapy(A story, a certain type of control in which Fujiwara's attitude is consistent)

@nifty: Daily portal Z: I went to the underground station in Japan, Dogo station(I want to go by train, once)

■ (PDF file)Appropriate ingredients are plentiful "Hair! Shimmeishi "series appeared!(Color rice ball rice on which EM Promishes 1.3 - 2 times more on sale from October 30)

Afternoon or today, ambiguous time definition(Memo, after 17: 38 "night")

@nifty: Daily portal Z: Are water cup noodles delicious?(It takes much time compared with food and hot water)

Five kinds of thoughts of the new series Yin Yang Five are completed in 10 yen bun, | Ameba News(Manju corresponding to food, Genbu, Blue Dragon, Suzaku, White Tiger, Yellow Dragon)

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Headline news on Wednesday, October 10, 2007

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log