Various paintings that are very adult taste that made fairy tales contemporary

It is a variety of illustrations that made contemporary fairy tales such as "Snow White", "Red Riding Hood", "Cinderella", "Rapunzel".

Some sexy Cinderella, which is coming back with a pumpkin carriage like a high class exterior car, because of various contemporary arrangements, it is becoming an overall adult taste somehow.

Details are as follows.
Rapunzel. I am binding the prince with my hair.

Little Red Riding Hood Tours the wolf and the forest.

The dwarfs of troubled face on Snow White.

Cinderella is going back at the pumpkin carriage like a luxury foreign car.

It seems to have turned into a story that you do not want to read too much to any of your children.

The original picture is on the link below.

Linkinn - A Modern Look at Fairy Tale Heroines (Pictures)

in Art, Posted by darkhorse_log