KDDI to introduce fixed-price data communication service within the year

It seems that KDDI intends to introduce a flat rate system for personal data communication services. It is said that it will be introduced as early as the end of the year, so it is the first mobile phone operators developing nationwide to introduce a flat rate system.

Details are as follows.
To introduce flat rate system to KDDI individual data communication service | IT | Economy | Sankei WEB

According to this article, the flat rate system of data communication nowWILLCOMWhenE-MobileAlthough it provides, WILLCOM is limited to urban areas centered on PHS, eMobile is Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, and it is the first mobile phone operator developing nationwide. It seems that there was concern that there was a concern that the load on the communication network and the revenue of the communication fee income would be reduced as reason why the system was not flattened.

The fee is supposed to be higher than eMobile's monthly fee of 5,980 yen, and it seems to decide the final charge while watching the situation. Incidentally,NTT docomo also plans to set up a flat rate plan by 2008It seems that it seems that we are heading for a favorable direction for users as it seems to be.

in Mobile, Posted by logc_nt