How to fire with condoms and water

When it is swept by an isolated island in the Nankai and is forced to make fire on its own, if you have a condom, you can use it and water to make a fire. Knowing as survival knowledge there is no loss, this way.

So, a kind commentary with a movie is from below.
Fire With A Condom

This is the only thing to prepare.

In short, saying that water is put in the condom to make it a kind of lens, borrow the power of sunlight and give fire to flammable materials such as hay.

In principle it is pretty easy, but this is a nice way.

After that, if you remember the following method, the probability of survival may increase. To shut down the moisture on the ground and not get deprived of heat is a common sense if it is a person who has frequent bonfires or camp experienced people, but there are many unknown people .

Hands notes: Railroad information: Fire outdoors: Hands-net Tokyu Hands's online shop

in Note,   Video, Posted by darkhorse