A humanoid building will be constructed for Shanghai Expo in 2010

It seems that a building that imitates "people" in kanji is built in Shanghai according to the World Expo to be held in 2010. It consists of two buildings symbolizing the mind and body. In the building of the mind there are conference halls and gathering facilities, etc. In the building of the body it seems that sports and water culture centers will enter.

Because the elevator from the first floor to the top floor can not be passed due to structural problems, climbing up is likely to be slightly troublesome.

Details are as below.
... REN ...

Looking like changing the angle.

People are also placed on top of the building, is it supposed to be able to get out?

Light-up person building.

Heterogeneity decreases at once in a side view.

Introduction movie of the building. It seems that the building of the mind is built on land, the building of the body is built on the sea.
YouTube - Ren - Peoples Building - Shanghai, China

in Video,   Design, Posted by darkhorse_log