Headline news on May 7, 2007

It is very difficult to get users who visit the site for the first time to properly view the page. It is the essence of "usability" to guide visitors and make them easier to use as intended, and Web 2.0 is becoming quite sophisticated in that sense. Actually improving usability, there is actually an example that the number of applications has become ten times or the conversion rate tripled, so it is no longer possible to avoid guiding the visitors properly It is getting. However, it is troublesome to change the structure of the site and change the design, and it is not always the case that the effect immediately comes out ... It is a painful head problem.

So it was made for the purpose of successful induction of this "Navicast video"ASP service called. In addition to not only guiding with moving images, it is possible to link the guidance contents with the further one step ahead, that is, keywords, locations, visit dates and times, number of visits, etc. that searched the site. For example, if you have an inquiry page, you can guide the regular business hours by phone number and guiding you to the mail form outside business hours ... so that customers who visit the site will not be missed. It is a mechanism that was unlikely, so it can be quite useful depending on the way. Also, since it is said that it can be used only by embedding tags, it is also a high point that it is not necessary to change the site composition significantly.

So, tomorrowMay 8. In 1429, the French army led by Jeanne d 'Arc destroyed British troops and liberated the city of Orléans, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the eradication of smallpox in 1980, Okinawa Prefecture and JA Okinawa Keizai Dynasty since 1997 May 8th was "Goya's Day". Also, in 1828, Henri Dunan, founder of the Red Cross, was a famous cartoonist Sakura Momoko, famous for "Chibi Maruko chan" in 1965, and in 1969 he is doing great at the year-end K - 1 Yokozuna, 64th generation, was born. And the famous science fiction writer Robert A. A. Hainline was died in 1988, such as "Queen of the Merciless Night", "Door to the Summer", "Warrior of the Space" etc.

Today's headline news.

ITmedia News: YouTube, Popular Contributor to Advertising Revenue Way(Net service, there are already users selected)

From "Alfalfa Mosaic" "Black enterprise keyword translation example"(Language, expressing easy-to-understand sweet words in black companies)

What is the Prince "Plince" in the place name? Excite News(Language, same for the same prince)

What is "F (F)" in F1? - All About(It is not an acronym for language, Ferrari or fantastic)

ITmedia + D PC USER: Starting with engine sound: Lamborghini × Vista Ultimate is the ultimate notebook PC!? - See the picture "ASUS-Lamborghini VX 2"(PC, collaboration note PC with Lamborghini)

"Stationary of Memories" I listened to parents of elementary school first graders, what won the first place? Narinari.com(Stationery, I've used it all)

Head rotation, depending on sleep ... 7 hours required to fix memory - living news: Isa!(Life, sleep enhances memory)

Livedoor News - [Diet Communication] Do you remember yourself? Sudden bothersome at a bookstore, why(Life, never got into this state)

⊂ ✿ ◯. Д.) ⊃ speed ≡ ≡ ≡ ⊂ √ √ √ √ ___ 0 ___ ___ __ 2 ___ ___ 0(Life, everything from nothing room to too much room)

CNN.co.jp: Walking speed of pedestrians, the world's best is Singapore(Neta, Osaka is not subject to survey)

Can I have 24 hours on a 24-hour shop that approaches that standard? Excite News(Story, sometimes you can call out when crowded)

Opeblo - "Because you made your best efforts, you should also make efforts" Thinking(We seek causal relationships with psychology, behavior and results)

Osaka · roller coaster death accident · a girl's blog who was in front of you | Funny community edge count(Blog, what about Exporland in the future?)

Tianhua Tianhu: copyright infringement amusement park · "Planning and operation of China" Shijingshan Musical Garden "was involved in" Expo land "Saburo Yokota President Saburo Yamada chairman(Incident, connection of Expo land with China's amusement park with fake Mickey)

Distribution diagram of the probability of being hit by an earthquake with intensity of less than 6 within the next 30 years(Disasters, the Pacific side has the highest probability)

Slashdot Japan | Is "Virtual assault" a crime?(The police started investigating against assault on Net, Second Life)

"Babel" This is a scene where eyes that become problematic after screening are scattered this is - Moving Navi blog -(Movie, watch out for epilepsy when watching)

If you only remember this, is it okay? Rope knotting method, 10 basic techniques | P O P * P O P(Outdoor, Spiderman is comfortable because it does not have to tie)

"Voice" is used as "key" Releasing voiceprint authentication entry and exit system "AmiVoiceRGuard" to unlock the door(Furniture, unlocking will not automatically open the door)

Game * Spark -: Spring Update: I am not pleased! Strengthen region regulation for multinational tags!(Confiscation of all points if the gamertag is different from the area where the main body of Xbox 360 is placed)

Not at all! Overseas version cover art "Downtown hot-blooded story"(Game, violence degree is greatly improved)

Block net connection with one button "Best Netguard" | 100 SHIKI.COM(Accessories, considerable dangerous goods depending on the effective range)

Is the middle management doing "work" (the memoir of Nonomura human resources department): NBonline (Nikkei Business Online)(Business, what is an ideal barbecue)

How to make the first in-house version "Google": ITpro(How to build enterprise search rather than how to make a business or snack room)

Go over the chasm! - The more multifunctional mobile phones and PCs, the better the AV home appliance market will be!(I would like to have home appliances, mobile phones and PCs with a linking function with other appliances)

Japan.internet.com Daily Research - IP phones, long phone calls will not be done even if the call charge is cheaper !?(Communication, there is almost no use of stationary phone at home)

Experience Japan after 100 years ago with pictures · Old photos of the dawn of Japanese photography history are released one after another: Garbagenews.com(Culture, various sites where you can see old photos)

ITmedia News: Motoya Izumi dances "Yin Yang"(Dance the dance of that "Let's Go! Yin Yang" famous for the story, Nico Nico video)

'Kimi ga Shigaime nen e nai' BY Age This scenario will be Fuji TV moon 9 as it is! | Story taste - In order to enjoy the story deeper if possible(The game, the eroge scenario is the quality that can be drama in the month 9)

YAMDAS current update history - 12 important laws that bloggers should know(Law, 12 US laws that might be involved in doing blogging, in Japan?

Newly launched "Chocola BBR Light 2", a drink that strengthens prescriptions and further reduces calories(Health, 76% calorie cut per bottle than previous one)

Slashdot Japan | Students sitting rearward have bad grades(Education, opening of more than 20 points average point)

Business Media Makoto: "Iron cafe" very popular(There is no menu that can take plenty of food and iron)

@nifty: Daily portal Z: Determine white powder(Food, pot effect powder experiment, narcotics do not lick)

Junk food mania: Friends drink "Prin cider" certainly tastes of pudding(It is expensive for food and size.)

A good way to ate a year with a good stick.(Food, definitely malnourished)

Who does not like bitter beer, sweet sweet beer How about? Excite News(Food, beer of vanilla and brown sugar)

"Ginger drinking mango cream soda" New release(New Flavor of Food, Grape Series)

Kuriyama Yonoue, "Baka-back (Book Wasabi taste)" and "Bakakei (tofushi taste)" released only in summer(Food, spicy products for summer added)

Last week headlines
Headline news on Tuesday, May 2, 2007

Headline news on Monday, May 1, 2007

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log