A geometric pattern rises up in space as seen from a certain point Cheek art

From one point of view it is a trick art that seems as if geometric patterns are floating in space. This was made by Felice Varini, a Swiss born artist. When drawing, it seems to draw a figure on the wall using a light projector.

The work is from the following.
BBC NEWS | In Pictures | Public art at Cardiff Bay barrage

Strange scribbles are being done ...?

Also stuck on the wall.

It looks like this when looking from afar.

A red line runs around the museum.

It seems I pressed it with a stamp later.

Fringed on the piano.

Things like throttling.

I'm not sure what is going on.

Blue concentric circle.

A red line running through the floor.

Looking from a different angle it looks something like this.

It also appears in town.

You can not see both at the same time.

The red reflected on the floor is beautiful.

It is like a sticky tape.

Looking at diagonally it is like this.

You can see many other works on Felice Varini's site.
Felice Varini Work list

Felice Varini

in Art, Posted by logc_nt