"Caffeine Database" site that summarizes the amount of caffeine contained in various beverages

It is a site that summarizes the amount of caffeine contained in various kinds of refreshing drinks sold at convenience stores, vending machines, supermarkets, etc. Coca Cola, Dr Pepper, Pepsi, Red Bull, Starbucks, etc. are posted variously.

Details are as below.
The Caffeine Database

Things that are on sale in Japan may not be perfectly matched because there are cases sometimes arranged for Japan, but it may be a guide.

For general tea etc., there is a list below.

Table 1. Tannin, caffeine content in preference beverage

In addition, I hear that if you ingest caffeine too much you will be addicted, but in fact it looks like the following.

Drinking too much coffee depends on caffeine? - [Mental illness] All About

Caffeine addiction - Wikipedia

It feels like it is somehow true and frightening ... ....

in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse