Photos of fantastic snow and objects made of ice

It is a picture of snow and ice celebration in Russian city Petrozavodsk. Objects made of snow and ice are lining up.

There is "Sapporo Snow Festival" even in Japan, but the event where ice objects lined up so far do not see much indeed. Is it still possible because the temperature is far lower than Japan?

Details are as follows.
Feathers are growing.

Scenery making.

How did it make this shape?

Mice. There used to be an animation in which such a rat played an active part.

I tried freezing trees.

What kind of object is it?

I wonder if any of these icicles will break ....

boat. Transparent ice sails are very beautiful.

bicycle. Although it has wheels, the appearance of lifting his feet is amazing.

dragon. It is well built to fine details.

It is more fantastic to light up.

The bicycle just like this is so beautiful.

There are other pictures on the link below.

English Russia >> Ice and Snow Sculptures in Petrozavodsk

in Art, Posted by darkhorse_log