Windows Mobile 6 enables PDA maker's own upgrade

Until now, it seems that upgrading the OS of PDA which was not so realistic due to licensing, the cost associated therewith and hardware problems will be possible on Microsoft's next PDA OS "Windows Mobile 6".

It will be possible to upgrade the customized PDA maker unique.

Details are as follows.
Windows Mobile 6 free to PDA manufacturers issuing upgrades - Download Squad

According to this article, Windows Mobile 6 records the OS in the ROM (read only memory) mounted on the PDA. Unlike the past, Windows Mobile 6 records in the rewritable flash memory. With this, it seems that it became easier to upgrade because it was unnecessary to replace the ROM chip which was necessary for upgrading.

Also, when upgrading in the past, the financial burden to the maker was great because we had to purchase the license from Microsoft for testing, but from Windows Mobile 6 it will be free.

It seems that Windows Update for Windows Mobile came out ...

in Note,   Mobile, Posted by darkhorse_log