The strongest calling voice for high blogging versus spam plugin "Akismet"

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 16:41 Jan 27, 2007, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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This plugin "Akismet" is developed as a anti-spam plugin for WordPress, and it is called "the strongest" from many WordPress users. It also supports spam by double byte character languages ​​such as Japanese.

It is already shipped from WordPress 2.0 onwards and can be used not only in WordPress but also in MovableType, PukiWiki, Nucleus, Drupal, phpBB, Blojsom, Bloxsom, Geeklog, Serendiptity, b2evolution, Expression Engine, Coppermine etc. .

As a mechanism, it acquires the API Key from Akismet's server, uses this API Key to query the server about the content of comments and trackbacks, and judge whether it is spam or not.

For personal use, it is free and you can get API Key from $ 5 a month if you earn more than $ 500 (about 60,000 yen) monthly from Blog. Annual payment is $ 55.

Details are as follows.
Stop Comment Spam and Trackback Spam << Akismet

Wordpress is standard, and its usage is as follows.

How to use Akismet - Wordpress Japan

For corporate use on multiple sites, there is Enterprise API Key.

Buy Enterprise API Key

There is also an Access API Key for when calling it by incorporating it in its own development system. This is a license to buy at times.

Buy Access API Key

Half a non-profit organization or education period. Or if you link all pages with and, you can use it free of charge.

Education and Non-profit

There is also a powerful one that adds the IP address played on this Akismet to ".htaccess" below.

Akismet htaccess extension -

The way of combining Akismet and Puki Wiki is below.

Spam (spam) prevention function by PukiWiki / Akismet - ARK - Web SandBox Wiki

Other Akismet plugins for various blogging systems are linked from "Other Application Plugins" on the following page.

Development << Akismet

There seems to be some things made to work in Python. << Kemayo Isn’t Elvis

An actual example is as follows.

Trackback / spam countermeasure using Akismet? Weboo! Returns.

In addition, detailed usage of Akismet specializing in Japanese is detailed.

Conspicuous basis >> Akismet commentary on well-known hack and additional hack

in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse