The latest version ATOK "ATOK 2007 for Windows [premium]" released next February
The latest edition of kana - kanji conversion software "ATOK" which is highly complete and has a reputation for conversion precision will be released from Friday, February 9, 2007. The price is 11,000 yen by tax. The function is greatly improved, it seems to be a decent version upgrade to Hisabisa.
Details are as below.
JustSystems: ATOK 2007 for Windows [Premium]
The new place is below.
User interface changed.

It corresponds to "JIS X 0213: 2004".

Conversion accuracy is improved by the latest conversion engine "ATOK hybrid core".

Show more accurate conversion candidates.

Also pointed out similar alike objections sharply, preventing mistakes.

Latest terms and recent terms of interest also convert with a single shot.

"Transit station name conversion dictionary for ATOK" loaded.

"Ichitaro 2007", "Sanshiro 2007", "Agree 2007", "Hanako 2007", "ATOK 2007 for Windows", and "Justsystem PDF Suite""JUST Suite 2007"Also released on the same day at a taxation of 25,000 yen.
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in Software, Posted by darkhorse_log