Night view of Paris seen in a panorama with a width of 15,000 pixels

The image size is 15000 × 520 pixels and the file size is about 1.8MB super horizontally long photo. You may be able to see it without scrolling with multiple monitors or huge monitors. A lot of sights in Paris are contained and it is preeminent.

Details are as below.
It is a night view of 15,000 pixels from the top, a panoramic picture in a position where it is slightly drawn, and a night view of 15,000 pixels showing the sights with letters.

Photos de Paris, ville lumi & egrave; re: planche 3.

The width is not 15,000 pixels, but there are other panoramic photos of Paris seen from the link below.

Photographies de Paris, ville lumiere

You can see panoramic images of Paris and images for wallpaper from this link.


in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log