Movie browsing with Apple II and Contiki

Apple II is a PC that produced and sold 5 million units worldwide. It is a movie that shoots the appearance of browsing with its famous old machine. A network compatible OS that can be used with 8 bit machine called Contiki has been released in 2003, and I use it to connect to the net.

Playback is from the following.YouTube - Browsing the Web on an Apple II with Contiki

In 2004, there was a person who made an Ethernet card for Apple II, it is a movie when using Contiki with it and connecting to the net. This Apple II seems to be in 1984, but it is amazing to be able to use it on the PC over 20 years ago,Sites hosting on Lisa 2It may not be strange as there is.

By the way, Apple II says it sometimes appears as Apple] [from its initial boot screen.

About the Apple II, the following site is detailed.

Apple II World

Apple II - Wikipedia

The site that publishes Contiki is as follows.

The Contiki Operating System

in Hardware,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log