A company distributing a movie for recruiting new grades for 2008 on YouTube appeared

If I thought about GIGAZINE to do so in a while or so, I got ahead. As a matter of fact, the attempt itself is quite nice.

It seems that by expressing "a company that challenges new things" and "a company that excites excitement" in the visual, I made it so that I can understand the atmosphere of the company before entry.

Incidentally, hidden URLs are included in the movie, and if you access that address, you can apply for 'Phantom Company Presentation'.

Playback is from the following.
YouTube - What is BILCOM works?

The company I made is here.

Marketing PR company / Billcom

This movie, participated in music production at "Daughter" which received the 2006 Cannes Advertising Festival category prize prize, seems to have appointed Takeri Ichikawa who handles a wide range of motion graphics and web design production as a creator. I do not mind that there might have been a way to make it look lively a little more, but is that touch feeling around that?

In overseas companies, Google's recruitment video is posted on YouTube. It was created by the Human Resources Department for employee recruitment purposes and explained the internal systems and facilities, etc. It is extremely high quality and it is configured to enjoy even if you do not understand English.

YouTube - Google Recruitment Video

After all, I have to spirit about this ... ....

in Note,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log