Web cameras around the world follow the sunset "Eternal Sunset"

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 16:48 Oct 26, 2006, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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Currently there are 218 web cameras all over the world and it is installed over 38 countries. The time to watch sunset is limited within the day. But somewhere on the earth should be a sunset. So it seems like you can keep viewing the sunset without interruption by shooting with a web camera. People who have webcam seem to be able to participate in shooting sunsets.

Details are as below.Eternal Sunset

People who have webcam seem to be able to participate in shooting sunsets. Below you can see where the webcam is located and where it is a sunset. There seems to be some established in Japan such as Mt. Fuji and Shinshu.


in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log