Pictures of Costa Rica's huge stone balls

Details of what purpose it was made is unknown, and it is not clearly understood how to make it, the size also varies from about 2 cm in diameter to about 2 m in size. Moreover, it is nearly a perfect sphere, and most of the material is also very hard granite ......

Although it is full of mystery with the feeling that it is full of mystery, it is not actually put in such exposed state, but it seems that at first it was buried in the ground and was arranged in triangles and parallelograms. Even now, some of them are actually buried, was not it like a compass pointing direction from that arrangement, or was it like a star chart? It is speculated.

Although it is often treated as a so-called o Part, it is confirmed at the beginning of discovery 200 pieces, now hundreds pieces, and you can see various photos on the net. So, let's see the photos that are actually buried and their size.
Costa Rica stone ball - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It seems that it was such a feeling at the beginning of discovery.

Costa Rica Mysterious big ball

There are various written also on the following site.

Huge stone ball of Costa Rica

So, what is going on now is this way.

Stone Ball Photo Gallery

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log