I tried Suntory's "BOSS W.E.B. micro sugar"

Although it seems to be "a refreshing fine sugar on a notch", somehow it is quite a bitter image as it is "fine sugar" in a coffee system, so I tried drinking awfully. I also care about the name "WEB". Is there any relationship with the net?

Also, I compared it with the previous morning BOSS "BOSS Begin!"
SUNTORY BOSS "BOSS W. E. B. fine sugar"

"W.E.B" seems to be an abbreviation for "World Executive Blend" ...

So this color. The smell is quite nice.

It is obviously darker than "BOSS Begin!"

As I drank it, I felt a little black scent of coffee coming in my nose. The taste is just fine sugar. I feel that I put sugar for a while. The last "BOSS Begin!" Is just right for those who feel it is too sweet, and on the contrary it is a tight taste for those who feel they are just right with "BOSS Begin!"

after,Official siteThe English translation of the English newspaper written around "BOSS W.E.B. micro sugar" is posted. It was said that it was established properly as sentences ....

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log