"Nintendo Amusement Park" which can jump like Mario
You can wear a hat, gloves, whiskers, etc., stepping on a huge Kuribo, getting coins, or punching into a hatena block.
It is easy to understand if you translate it like a Nintendo amusement park, but Nintendo has nothing to do with it .... This is one of three students at New York University doing as part of activities in the lecture "Big Games".
You can tell how much you really are working on by watching the movie below. I have a narration in Japanese properly.
Nintendo Amusement Park - Physically Augmented Reality(QuickTime required)
Click here for YouTube version
An article about this project is below.
Wired News: Strap Up and Jump Like Mario
Photograph of the state that the reporter experienced Alecolle
In addition, there is a thing called "Pac Manhattan" which made Manhattan as a stage of Pac-Man as it is famous past in the lecture of New York University.
Pac Manhattan
The movie is here
Image here
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