Windows XP startup speed verification movie with RAM disk "i-RAM"

The memory is faster than the hard disk. That means that you can use all the memory instead of the hard disk. That is the product called RAM disk "i-RAM".


Review of ImpressAccording to, it seems to read data at an amazing rate of 133 MB per second.

The speed at which WindowsXP starts is worrisome if it is so fast. I would like to see how quickly it will start up. So, there was a movie that shot and recorded the whole story of the situation. It is terrible speed.
YouTube - Gigabyte I-Ram: insanely fast load time for Windows

You can also do RAID ....

I-RAM verification RAID construction

People who think that Windows startup is slow and can not bear, may consider purchasing.

in Hardware,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log