Free software 'RainbowCrack' that decrypts Windows administrator passwords within an hour

RainbowCrack is a tool that can crack passwords at high speed by using a technique called ' rainbow table '. It's a tool whose name appears on Microsoft's password page , and according to the official website, it can be used to crack Windows administrator passwords in less than an hour, up to 14 characters in minutes. It seems that it will be analyzed.
Details are as below.
Project RainbowCrack

To use RainbowCrack, you first need something called 'Rainbow Tables' that is the basis of the calculation, and use BitTorrent to download it.
FREE Rainbow Tables
Alphabet-only 'alpha lanman rainbow tables' is 274.55MB, alphabets and numbers 'alpha-numeric lanman rainbow tables' is 1.49GB, plus '! @ # $% ^ & * ()-_ + =' 'alpha-numeric-symbol32-space lanman rainbow tables' is 10.43GB, and 'sha512sums for all lanman rainbow tables' that covers all combinations is 18.53GB.
The following Microsoft article is detailed about the method used for this tool and the password used when logging in to Windows in the first place.
Security Management-October 2005: 'Frequently Asked Questions' about passwords
For more information on how to use this RainbowCrack, please visit the next page.
Memo of Niwaka Sabakan --RainbowCrack --Hashcracker
If you have extra CPU resources and hard disk resources, why not give it a try?
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