iTunes Music Store 1 billion song sales achievement graph

Currently, the iTunes Music Store, which sells 71 million songs a month on average, has finally achieved cumulative sales of 1 billion songs. I tried to make the locus graph into a graph.
Details are as below. mad dog in the fog: iTunes Song Purchases plotted on a graph
It was 1 million songs on May 15, 2003, but about a year later, on July 12, 2004, it increased 100 times to 100 million songs, and on February 24, 2006, it accumulated 1 billion songs. You have reached the song.

It's a good example in the sense that you won't lose just because you're a latecomer, but it's no exaggeration to say that you've already established a dominant position in the American market given its impact on the market.
What's scary is that the momentum hasn't slowed down until now, and on the contrary it's accelerating. Is it just a matter of time before selling 10 billion songs?
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in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log