The character of Asian elephant turns out to be decided by three factors

FinnishTurku UniversityAccording to Martin Seltmann et al. 'S research team, they analyzed the character of 257 Asian elephants who are helping to transport timber in Myanmar and found it to be indicated by three elements of "attention," "sociability," and "aggression" It is said that there was no difference between male and female.

Personality in Asian elephants | Open Science

Asian elephants have different personality traits just like humans

Asian elephantRed ListIt is categorized and it is afraid of extinction. About half of the Asian elephants living in Myanmar are captured, and more than half of the captured elephants are engaged in work to carry timber. When you are out of work hours, these elephants can live in the natural environment as they are free-handed, so it seems to be called "semi-capture" treatment.

Working Asian elephant is doing a work that carries people on the back and carries wood from one place to another and everyone's elephant's trust relationship will last for a lifetime, Seltmann commented, "It is a very unique environment."

To investigate the character of elephants, under the cooperation of Mr. Mahouts of the employee who actually manipulated the elephant locally and are familiar with the character of individual elephants, questions about the behavior type of 28 elephants I made a questionnaire survey and gathered opinions from other employees about the total of 257 Asian elephants.

Analysis based on the answer results showed that the factors that determine the character of Asian elephant can be indicated by three factors of "attention", "sociability", "aggression" irrespective of gender differences between males and females It was said that it was. The attentiveness is "how firmly you listen and act on human instruction", and socialization is "to be able to get along with other elephants". Also, aggression is "to harm other elephants" and it is an indicator that harms social relationships among elephant groups.

This research result enables us to investigate the relationship between elephant's character and life more deeply, to help manage Asian elephant working in Myanmar, as well as further research on long-lived animals like Asian elephant and It also leads to conservation.

in Science,   Creature, Posted by darkhorse_log