My boss will make a schedule of unreasonable work from "the recognition of time is distorted"

ByStrep 72

I think that some people may have experienced having a buddy having a time schedule with no food and no time for traveling, but this is something that people who feel "I have power"Recognition of time is distortedIt turned out that it was for.

Being Powerful Distorts People's Perception of Time - Joe Pinsker - The Atlantic

University of California, BerkeleyLatest researchAccording to the survey results which were derived thanks to many collaborators, "It seems to be investigating how much" status "is distorting recognition of human time," According to the survey result which was derived thanks to many collaborators, I feel that there are plenty of time available for them. "

In the research, we asked subjects to do simple exercises, each subject examined "whether you feel that you have power," and examinees who feel that you have power as "bosses" , A subject who feels it does not have an "employee", and the subject performs a task "to decide puzzles solved by other subjects and to reward the subjects in descending order of grades" It seems he got it.

As a result, the research team has announced the conclusion that "people with power tend to recognize that more time is available and that people do not feel much stress."


Also announced in 2010the studyHowever, it is suggested that "people with power tend to estimate less time to complete a task", and it is suggested that "a person with power", that is, the boss allocates a scourging job schedule to his subordinates , The Atlantic says that it tends to think that "there is much time available" rather than employees without power.

in Note, Posted by logu_ii