


What are your top requests for Twitter features & bug fixes?

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk)


We will prioritize by number of likes times ease of implementation

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk)



To see the people we follow’s tweets in reverse chronological order (newest first). No filtering, no threading.

— James Newburrie (the sensible centre) (@DifficultNerd)


The ability to search our followers by name and username

— James Newburrie (the sensible centre) (@DifficultNerd)


- Delete a direct message from both sides

- Make it easier to delete direct messages (It's annoying to delete each indiv message)

- Add dislike or ???????? button

- Work more on Tweetdeck

- Ability to schedule tweets in iOS

-Twitter Show you what you tweeted on this day a year ago

— إياد الحمود (@Eyaaaad)


Walrus emoji. Top priority.

— Phil Demers (@walruswhisperer)


- Fixing the random suspensions.
- Removing shadow banning + stopping the practice

— aka (@akafacehots)


Let us delete any replies we don't like. Our post our rules. Just like a blog.

— Toby Rogers, Ph.D., M.P.P. (@uTobian)


Collapse threads in no longer than 3 consecutive tweets

— Pedro Dias (@pedrodias)


Fixing the recommendation algorithm is our current top priority. Twitter engineering has been working super hard on this. Proud of the team.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk)


イーロン・マスクによる「Twitterの重要決定に関する投票」は1万円で導入できる投票ボットでも操作可能 - GIGAZINE

イーロン・マスクのTwitterCEO退任投票は退任賛成が過半数に達したものの「投票はボットによるもの」「投票権はTwitter有料会員に限定すべき」という意見にイーロン・マスクが賛同 - GIGAZINE

イーロン・マスクが投票の結果ElonJetの凍結を報じたジャーナリストのアカウントを復活、同時に極右アカウントも大量復活し「自由の金曜日」を宣言 - GIGAZINE

イーロン・マスクが永久凍結されたトランプ前大統領のTwitterアカウントを復活させる - GIGAZINE

in ウェブアプリ, Posted by log1o_hf

You can read the machine translated English article here.