


DuckDuckGo to Down-Rank Sites Associated With Russian Disinformation | PCMag


Like so many others I am sickened by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the gigantic humanitarian crisis it continues to create. #StandWithUkraine️

At DuckDuckGo, we've been rolling out search updates that down-rank sites associated with Russian disinformation.

— Gabriel Weinberg (@yegg)


DuckDuckGo's mission is to make simple privacy protection accessible to all. Privacy is a human right and transcends politics, which is why about 100 million people around the world use DuckDuckGo. (We don't have an exact count since we don't track people.)

— Gabriel Weinberg (@yegg)


So what do you mean by "unbiased result" in this tweet? https://t.co/KmEcVCYMwZ

— Rasputitsa  (@artchiltech)


“[W]hen you search, you expect unbiased results, but that’s not what you get on Google,” @matthewde_silva quotes @yegg.

You can revoke Google's access to search & location histories, but the only true way to protect yourself is to leave Google.https://t.co/CMSovx6KYk

— DuckDuckGo (@DuckDuckGo)


So you are censoring your users? DDG now decides what is or isn't misinformation? This decision should be left to the user

— Aindreas (@andrewwbharvey)


You've got that magic "disinformation finder" eh? You're just sure you're going to only downrank things that are wrong?

I'm positive that's exactly how it'll play out.

And I'm sure you won't use this against anyone else in the future.


— Richard McCreedy (@RichMcCreedy)



ロシア国営メディア「RT」の編集長がウクライナ侵攻を非難して辞任 - GIGAZINE

ヨーロッパのGoogle Playからロシア政府所有メディアのアプリが削除される - GIGAZINE

YouTubeがロシア系ニュースメディア2社の排除を発表、IT各社も続々と排除 - GIGAZINE

Netflixがロシアの国営放送チャンネル配信を拒否、ウクライナ侵攻が理由 - GIGAZINE

GitHubがロシアからのアクセスを遮断する要求を拒否、「GitHubのビジョンはどこに住んでいるかに関係なく全開発者のホームになること」と回答 - GIGAZINE

in ネットサービス, Posted by log1i_yk

You can read the machine translated English article here.