Research shows that men actually value romantic relationships more than women

In much of pop culture, women are portrayed as placing more importance on romance than men, and many people have the impression that men are less dependent on romance. However, a study published in the peer-reviewed academic journal
Romantic Relationships Matter More to Men than to Women | Behavioral and Brain Sciences | Cambridge Core

Men value relationships more and suffer more from breakups than women
In movies, TV shows, novels, and other stories about relationships, women are often portrayed as emotionally dependent on their partners, while men are often portrayed as independent and emotionally reserved. These stereotypes are not only reflected in popular culture, but also in academic research.
Now, a research team led by Iris Waring, a psychology researcher at Humboldt University in Germany, has conducted a comprehensive analysis of the effects of romantic relationships on men and women, using interdisciplinary research from psychology, sociology, evolutionary biology, and other fields.
As a result, the research team concluded that 'on average, men rely more on their romantic partners for emotional support and intimacy than women.' The discrepancy in how men and women perceive romantic relationships is because men are less likely to develop friendships and familial love that provide emotional support outside of romantic relationships, while women are more likely to build extensive networks that provide intimacy and care outside of romantic relationships, the research team argues.
To support their claims, the research team outlined four findings about romantic relationships:
◆1: Men expect to get more benefits from romantic relationships and are more motivated to develop them
According to the research team, men tend to believe that romantic relationships will greatly improve their sense of well-being compared to women. One reason for this is that men have fewer options to satisfy their emotional and intimacy needs. In fact, single men tend to be more proactive in searching for partners than single women, and men tend to idealize romantic relationships more than women, believe in concepts such as 'love at first sight,' and confess their feelings early on in their relationships.
◆2: Compared to women, men derive greater mental and physical benefits from romantic relationships.
Romantic relationships provide men with emotional support, which can lead to greater life satisfaction, improved mental health, and better physical health. Single men have been shown to be at higher risk of negative health outcomes, including higher rates of depression, stress, and loneliness, and shorter life expectancy, than single women. On the other hand, single women tend to have more extensive social networks than single men, which means they are more likely to enjoy health benefits even without romantic relationships.

◆3: Men are less likely to break up than women
The research team found that about 70% of divorces are initiated by women, and women are more likely than men to end a marriage. It is thought that because men are more dependent on their romantic relationships than women, they are more likely to perceive the costs of breaking up and the loss of emotional support as outweighing the benefits.
◆4: Men experience greater emotional and psychological distress than women after a romantic breakup
Men tend to report greater loneliness, distress, and decreased life satisfaction than women after a breakup. They also report more severe adverse physical health effects, such as a higher risk of death after losing a partner through separation or death. The research team argued that while men rely more on romantic relationships as a source of emotional support, women are more likely to turn to friends and family for support after a breakup, which may lead to resilience.

Psychology website PsyPost stated, 'Men are socialized from an early age to prioritize independence and emotional control, which limits their ability to form deep, supportive connections with friends and family. As a result, romantic partners often become the only providers of emotional intimacy and care in men's lives. This dynamic explains why men work so hard for romantic relationships, benefit so much from being in them, and suffer so deeply when they end.'
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in Science, Posted by log1h_ik