'Death Clock' is an app that uses AI to analyze your lifestyle and predict your lifespan

' Death Clock ' is an app that predicts a user's life expectancy based on information entered by the user. Death Clock was developed by Brett Franson, who developed

the iPod Death Clock , an application that predicted the user's life expectancy, in 2006. According to Franson, the AI has been significantly updated and improved by using data on the average life expectancy of over 1,200 cases .

Death Clock • AI-Powered Longevity

Death Clock app predicts the date of your death | TechCrunch

Death Clock is available on the App Store and Google Play , and by simply answering a questionnaire, you can predict how old you will live.

The survey results from Death Clock are as follows:

Biological sex
-Frequency of fruit and vegetable intake
- Frequency of consumption of processed foods such as fast food, canned products, and frozen foods
-Frequency of sugar intake
・Frequency of water intake per day
- How often you do aerobic exercise, such as running, swimming, or hiking
- Frequency of weight training
-To what extent yoga and stretching are incorporated into your daily routine
・Time spent sitting per day
Frequency of sleeping less than 7 hours
Frequency of sleep disorders, such as difficulty falling asleep
How often you spend time with friends and family
Are you single or do you have a partner?
Do you have children or do you live with them?
Do they have a social group that can help them when they need it?
-Frequency of alcohol consumption
- Nicotine intake status
How much stress do you feel in a day?
How negative events affect your mental health
- Frequency of undergoing health checkups
- Frequency of undergoing cancer screening
Grandfather's lifespan
・Are you obese?
·blood pressure
・Blood cholesterol level
Blood sugar level
·chronic disease

By answering the survey, you can also check the response rate of each item among Death Clock users.

You can take the test without an account, but you need to create an account to check your AI predicted lifespan. When the GIGAZINE editorial staff answered the questionnaire to the best of their knowledge, the AI predicted lifespan was 105 years old.

Death Clock also offers a paid subscription for 6,000 yen per year, which suggests ways to improve your lifestyle and extend your life by providing items such as 'supplements,' 'equipment (such as activity trackers and blood pressure monitors),' 'cancer screening,' and 'blood tests.'

In addition, a tool that predicts users' life expectancies based on a similar idea without using AI has been made public on the Internet, and has predicted the life expectancies of more than 60 million people so far.

The Death Clock: Calculate When Will I Die?

in Mobile,   Software,   , Posted by logu_ii