What is neurocysticercosis, a condition in which parasites enter the brain and cause headaches and epilepsy?

There are many types of health damage caused by parasites, such as

Schistosoma japonicum and Echinococcosis . Among them, neurocysticercosis (NCC) is a disease caused by the pork tapeworm parasite in the brain. The Atlantic, an overseas media outlet, explains the horror of NCC.

Who Really Has Brain Worms? - The Atlantic

The Taenia solium, the type of tapeworm that causes NCC, is usually found in pigs and wild boars, and when humans eat undercooked meat from these animals, they ingest Taenia solium eggs, which hatch in the human intestine as larvae that crawl around in search of the muscles of their natural host, the pig or wild boar.

Eventually, the larvae reach the human brain, where they will encase themselves in calcified

cysts and wait to develop into adults. However, because humans are not suitable hosts for the worms, the worms are unable to develop into adults and die, leaving only the calcified cysts.


Kat Masback

It has been pointed out that the cysts remaining in the brain can lead to headaches, epileptic seizures, blindness, meningitis, and dementia, and that 'in some cases, it can take years or even decades for these problems to become apparent,' said Bogma Kavisen-Titanji, an infectious disease specialist at Emory University. NCC is the most common cause of epileptic seizures in adults worldwide.

According to a World Health Organization (WHO) survey , tens of millions of people worldwide have been affected by NCC, most of whom are in Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, East Asia, and India. On the other hand, NCC is quite rare in developed countries such as the United States, and many cases of NCC in developed countries are associated with travel and immigration . Therefore, Emory University's Lila Wok Colburn says, 'NCC is a poverty-related disease.'

Furthermore, in developed countries with excellent medical technology, early detection of NCC is possible using CT scans, and in these countries, doctors are generally required to suspect NCC in patients who visit the hospital complaining of headaches or epileptic seizures. NCC can also be treated with standard antiparasitic drugs such as praziquantel and albendazole , and if early treatment is successful, there is little risk of residual damage. On the other hand, if detection is delayed, cognitive impairment may remain even if treatment is successful.

The Atlantic states that 'NCC can be easily prevented by simply washing your hands properly.' The Tokyo Metropolitan Government's Bureau of Health and Medical Care also provides guidelines such as 'avoiding eating raw or incompletely cooked pork' and 'avoiding raw water and eating raw vegetables in areas where the virus is prevalent overseas.'

in Science, Posted by log1r_ut