Access to pirated copies of movies and TV programs will exceed 141 billion in 2023, with improvement trend in Japan

A study published by
Unlicensed Audience Data: A Multi-Billion Dollar Opportunity for the Entertainment Industry

Video Piracy Visits Rose to 141 Billion in 2023, Report Shows * TorrentFreak

'Canada is a Video Piracy Hotspot While Brazil Sees Piracy in Decline' * TorrentFreak
According to a January 2024 report from piracy tracker MUSO and consulting firm Kearney entitled ' Video Content Piracy: Harnessing the Power of Data and Analytics to Seize a Multi-Billion-Dollar Opportunity. ' In 2023, the number of accesses to pirated videos was more than 141 billion, an increase of about 10% compared to the previous year. The report does not include access to pirated music or software; it only counts video content such as movies and television.
According to the report, movies and TV shows account for 65% of video content, 25% are anime, about 9% are live sports, and the rest is other content including live broadcasts. There are some regional differences in what types of content are popular; for example, sports broadcasts account for around 5.3% in Asia, while it is as high as 11.3% in America. According to the report, 'this may depend on how easy or affordable it is to access legal content.'
Approximately a week after the initial report, we released a new report that calculated the number of pirated site accesses in each country based on the number of pirated site visits per capita and how that rate changed from 2018 to 2023. The full report is now available, including graphs that rank the numbers.
The graph below is the graph. The horizontal axis of the graph is the number of accesses to pirated sites per person, and the vertical axis is the change in the number of pirated sites accessed from 2018 to 2023. The report categorizes each country included in the survey according to the range of the vertical and horizontal axes, such as ``The number of pirated sites accessed per capita is low but increasing (top left)'' and ``The number of pirated sites accessed per capita is low (top left)''. 'The number of site accesses is high and is on the rise (top right)' 'The number of pirated site visits is low and is on the decline (bottom left)' 'The number of visitors to pirated sites per capita is high, but it is improving' (Bottom right)'

According to the graph, Canada, Sweden, Hong Kong, and Qatar are attracting attention as countries called 'hot spots' where the number of visitors to pirated sites is large and the rate has increased significantly in recent years. Also, although the number of visitors to pirated sites in Singapore is quite large, the rate of increase is not very high. The rate of increase in recent years has been quite high in India, which is considered a ``growth market for pirated copies'' due to its large population and rapidly increasing Internet penetration rate in recent years. .
On the other hand, in Japan and Brazil, which are located in the lower left, the number of pirated site accesses per capita is quite low, and at the same time it has been shown to be on the decline in recent years. According to TorrentFreak, which distributes news about copyright infringement, crackdowns on piracy are widely and frequently implemented in Japan and South America, and it is thought that the results of these efforts are showing.
In light of the latest report, MUSO said: 'While piracy is an ongoing challenge, commercializing the behavior of consumers who currently access pirated content is essential to maximizing the value of content. There is real opportunity for entertainment companies. There is potential value behind content piracy, and for media and entertainment companies that are ready for new approaches and ways of thinking to unlock this value. 'We expect a significant increase in revenue.'
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