A paint that can save cooling and heating costs just by painting will be developed

Cooling during hot summer months and heating during cold winter months are costly. If you use paint developed by a research team at Stanford University, you can cut off heat by painting it on the outside or inside of a building, reducing the energy required for cooling by 21% and the energy required for heating by 36%. .

Colorful low-emissivity paints for space heating and cooling energy savings | PNAS


New paint gives extra insulation, saving on energy, costs, and carbon emissions

The paint developed by a research team at Stanford University has the ability to reflect up to 80% of infrared rays. By applying this paint to the outside and inside of the wall, the heat of the sun is blocked during the hot summer months, reducing the energy required for air conditioning by 21%, and during the cold winter months, warm air is prevented from escaping. It is possible to reduce the energy required for heating by 36% by preventing it.

There have been paints that reflect a high percentage of infrared rays, but most of the existing paints are gray or silver, and their use in buildings has been limited due to appearance issues. However, since the newly developed paint can express various colors such as white, blue, red, yellow, green, orange, purple, and dark gray, it is expected to be actively adopted.

An example of newly developed paint application is like this. It has also been reported that the paint did not fade even when exposed to a high temperature environment of 80 degrees or a low temperature environment of -196 degrees for a week.

In addition, the newly developed paint has the characteristic of being easy to remove dirt, so even if dirt adheres to the paint, it can be easily removed by simply washing it off with water or wiping it off with a wet wipe.

Although the developed paint must use an organic solvent, the research team is also interested in developing a water-based paint with similar functions.

in Science, Posted by log1o_hf