Research confirms that inpatients can improve physical function and reduce readmission risk with just a little exercise in the hospital

Some people think that when they are hospitalized due to illness or injury, they should stay as still as possible without moving from the bed. However, a new study that reviewed 19 clinical studies showed that `` even walking for 25 minutes a day during hospitalization significantly accelerates recovery in older people and reduces the risk of readmission after discharge. .

Optimal dose and type of physical activity to improve functional capacity and minimize adverse events in acutely hospitalized older adults: a systematic review with dose-response network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials | British Journal of Sports Medicine

Exercising during a hospital stay linked with faster recovery – new research

The negative effects of not engaging in physical activity while hospitalized were noted as early as the 1940s, with a 2005 study showing that muscle and bone loss begins just hours after the body is placed in a resting state. Masu. In addition, being bedridden for a long time reduces blood flow and lung capacity, increases the risk of deep vein thrombosis , and may lead to pressure ulcers , constipation, and incontinence.

An international team of researchers from Spain, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Belgium analyzed data collected in 19 clinical trials to examine the effects of continued exercise while in hospital on physical function. .

The 19 clinical studies included approximately 3,000 older adults aged 55 to 78 who had been hospitalized for 7 to 42 days in intensive care units or general wards for acute illness or surgery. The data included data on different types and amounts of physical activity, such as simple bedside stretching and walking, strength training and cardio.

The analysis revealed that subjects who underwent light physical activity, such as walking, during hospitalization improved their physical function by the time they were discharged and had a 10% lower risk of being readmitted within 30 days of discharge. The optimal amount of exercise for improving physical function and reducing the risk of rehospitalization was about 40 minutes of moderate-intensity (slightly shortness of breath) walking per day, but even 25 minutes of walking per day was effective. It is said that it was seen.

Importantly, older people who were physically active in the hospital were 10% less likely to reduce falls, disability, and death after discharge than those who were not. The results indicate that light exercise may protect against the harmful effects of bed rest during hospitalization.


Sebastian Chastain of Glasgow Caledonian University, co-author of the paper, said: 'Our latest research shows that physical activity may help counteract the effects of rest during hospitalization.' We found that even just 25 minutes of walking a day can significantly speed up recovery in older adults, potentially preventing new hospitalizations in the future.'

The benefits of exercising are not just physical, they can also reduce boredom and

improve mood while in the hospital. Exercise in the hospital creates opportunities for patients to interact with staff and caregivers, and may lead to improved mental health.

In addition, developing physical activity habits while in the hospital helps people stay active in daily life after discharge. Chastin et al. think this may be the reason why the readmission rate for those who exercised during hospitalization is low.

Based on the results of this study, Chastin et al. Advise that it may be better to bring walking shoes when hospitalized. Of course, it is necessary to exercise according to your physical condition and physical condition, so it is better to start with slow exercise and gradually increase the load.

“Even small things like getting out of bed and moving to a nearby chair to rest, or taking a walk to the bathroom or cafeteria are good starts,” Chastin and others say. Be sure to consult with people who can suggest the best routine, such as nurses and physical therapists.'

in Science, Posted by log1h_ik