It turns out that the identity of the ``flying alien'' that appears in the hinterland of Peru was ``an illegal miner flying in the sky with a jetpack''

In an indigenous village in the hinterlands of Peru, sightings have been reported one after another that ``flying aliens'' appear at night and try to surprise or kidnap the residents. However, an investigation by the Peruvian Navy and police revealed that this flying alien platoon were members of an illegal gold-mining gang.

No eran extraterrestres sino mineros ilegales

Loreto: fiscal cree probable que mineros ilegales estén detrás de aparición de 'seres extraños' | RPP Noticias

'Flying Aliens' Harassing Village in Peru Are Actually Illegal Miners With Jetpacks, Cops Say

Jairo Reategui Avila, chief of the indigenous Iquitu tribe of Meinas county in northwestern Peru, said: 'They are aliens. They look like they're wearing armor like the Green Goblin from Spider-Man. I shot it twice with a gun, but it didn't fall, but rather flew high and disappeared,' he told a local radio station.

Avila said of the alien's characteristics, ``The whole body is silver, the shape of the shoes is round, the height is about 1 meter, and the feet are glowing red. The head is long, the face is long, and the eyes are yellowish. I will,' he testified. In the local area, there is a whispered urban legend about the existence of 'Perakara', who hollow out and sell human organs, and it seems that some local residents were very afraid of this alien.

A movie that shot this alien was released on the Internet and attracted attention from alien researchers and conspiracy theorists around the world.

On July 29, 2023, a local 15-year-old girl was attempted to be kidnapped, so the Peruvian Navy and police launched an investigation. After investigating an Iquitu village about 10 hours by boat from the city of Iquitos in Meinas County, the navy and police said, 'Perpetrators are using jetpacks to terrorize communities in Colombia and Brazil. member of an illegal gold mining gang.'

Local teacher Christian Caleb Pacaya, who was also a witness to the attempted kidnapping, also pointed out that the alien in question may be wearing high-tech equipment, saying, 'If you search on Google, it will appear. If you use a thruster-equipped suit called a 'jetpack', it will be possible for humans to fly in the sky.'

According to Carlos Castro Quintanilla, the lead investigator in the case. Eighty percent of illegal gold mining in Meinas County is in the Nanai River Basin, where the Iquitu villages are located. Illegal mining of gold by gangs has become a major problem in South America, and it has been reported that local residents have been shot by armed gangs.

The Amazon rainforest is destroyed by armed groups aiming for gold mining and indigenous people are also being shot - GIGAZINE

According to Quintanilla, the Brazilian and Colombian mafia, which conducts illegal mining of gold, has already expanded its range of action to various towns in Mainas County, and has also attacked local residents. It is unknown why the mafia was flying with a jetpack, but Mr. Quintanilla believes that it was to raid to expel local residents who would get in the way of illegal gold mining.

The Navy and police have not arrested any suspects in connection with the 'flying illegal miner' incident, nor have they released the names of the organizations involved, but Peru's Environmental Prosecutor's Office said it will be 'in 2023.' We have already destroyed 10 unofficial mining camps and 110 illegal mining vessels.”

in Note,   Video, Posted by log1i_yk