I drank `` Agricultural Cooperative Milk Yamanashi White Peach '' that seems to drown in the sweetness combo of milk & white peach & sugar

Meito, known for 'Nokyo Milk', has released a new product ' Nokyo Milk Yamanashi White Peach ', which is a mixture of various Japanese ingredients and milk. Since it is being pre-released at FamilyMart from August 8, 2023 (Tuesday), I tried drinking it.

`` Agricultural Cooperative Milk Yamanashi White Peach '' is now on sale | Meito Kyodo Dairy Co., Ltd.


This is 'Agricultural Cooperative Milk Yamanashi White Peach'. The size is 180g.

Raw materials include raw milk (50% or more), white peach juice, dairy products, sugar, fructose, dextrin.

All the sugar used is sugar beet from Hokkaido. One 180g is 156kcal.

When poured into a glass, the liquid color is pale pink. However, the taste is contrary to its appearance, and as soon as you put it in your mouth, a rich sweetness spreads throughout your mouth. The sweetness of milk and sugar is strong, and after that the impression that a mixture of sourness and sweetness that seems to be fruit juice remains on the tongue. It seems to be good for a cup when you wake up in the morning, or a cup that goes well with a light-tasting cookie.

`` Agricultural Cooperative Milk Yamanashi White Peach '' is 179 yen including tax, and will be pre-released at FamilyMart from August 8, 2023 (Tuesday). It is scheduled to be released to the general public from September 25, 2023 (Monday).

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by logc_nt