It turns out that workers who use AI for work are more likely to suffer from ``insomnia and increased alcohol consumption'', ``AI should be human-like,'' experts say

Major consulting firm McKinsey & Company has

announced that more than half of its employees are using AI, and it is expected that opportunities to work with AI will increase in the future due to the development of AI technology. It is reported that cooperation with AI has the advantage of reducing the workload and helping to avoid burnout, but a new study found that ``workers who frequently interact with AI have mental problems. It was also found that there is a high possibility of facing

No person is an island: Unpacking the work and after-work consequences of interacting with artificial intelligence.

Loneliness, Insomnia, Drinking: The Costs of Working With AI Systems

As the AI revolution arrives and AI systems become more and more embedded in the work and lives of workers, workers will change their jobs and interact with AI rather than with human colleagues. experience change.

Mr. Pok Man Tan of the University of Georgia Terry College of Business, who used AI systems at his previous job at an investment bank and became interested in AI research because of this, said, 'AI The rapid progress of the system brings many benefits as it sparks a new industrial revolution, but it also entails unknown dangers, such as the possibility of causing mental or physical damage to employees. 'Because they are social animals, isolation from the use of AI systems may also have detrimental effects on their personal lives.'

In order to investigate the impact of working with AI, Tan et al.'s research team conducted a survey of people working at companies that have actually introduced AI into their workplaces in four locations: the United States, Taiwan, Indonesia, and Malaysia. Did.

As a result, the higher the level of attachment anxiety, which is a tendency to feel anxiety and worry about social connections, the more negative reactions such as loneliness and insomnia to work using AI systems. , and positive responses to being more likely to help co-workers.

For example, a three-week study of 166 engineers working on AI systems at a biomedical company in Taiwan found that employees who interacted more with AI were more likely to experience loneliness, insomnia, and alcohol consumption after work. On the other hand, there were many behaviors that helped colleagues.

In another experiment targeting 126 real estate consultants in Indonesia, the subjects were divided into a group that uses AI as much as possible for three days and a group that does not use AI. As a result, loneliness and insomnia are common. However, there was no increase in the amount of drinking, probably because there are many people who believe in Islam, which prohibits drinking alcohol in Indonesia.

An online experiment targeting 214 working adults in the United States and an experiment targeting 294 employees of a high-tech company in Malaysia yielded similar results to those in Taiwan and Indonesia.

In a series of surveys and experiments, at first glance, positive results were obtained that workers who often used AI helped their colleagues well, but the research team said, ``This reaction may cause them to feel lonely or social. It may have been caused by asking for contact.'

Note that this study only shows the correlation between the use of AI and symptoms such as loneliness, and does not prove the causal relationship that the use of AI caused mental health problems. is.

On top of that, Mr. Tan said, ``In the future, developers of AI technology should consider giving AI a social function like the human voice and emulating human-like interactions. It would also be good if the Lord limits the frequency of work with AI and provides employees with opportunities for social contact.The use of AI will continue to expand in the future, so We need to act now to mitigate the potential negative impact on people.'

in Software,   Science, Posted by log1l_ks