``2023 Lake Biwa Fireworks Festival'' was able to eliminate congestion by blindfold fence & free area reduction Thorough report on the local congestion situation

At the 2023 Lake Biwa Fireworks Festival,

blindfold fences were installed around the paid viewing area to prevent accidents due to congestion. I was wondering if the blindfold fence could really solve the congestion, so I tracked the congestion situation around the event venue from morning to night.

Lake Biwa Fireworks Festival

As a prerequisite knowledge, the executive committee of the ``2023 Lake Biwa Fireworks Festival'' said about the blindfold fence, ``Because the spectators watch the fireworks on the road, the blindfold fence prevents people from stopping or sitting down to stay. It is installed to prevent accidents from occurring due to increased pressure.'

◆ 10:00 to 11:00
In the morning, even Chuo Odori, which connects Otsu Station and the venue, is not crowded at all.

There are almost no people around the blindfold fence.

Around the Biwako Hall, there was a line to receive an admission ticket for the ``Biwako Hall Lakeside Zone General Area''.

The free viewing area was also sparsely populated, and there were still places left.

◆ 14:30 to 15:00
When I went to Otsu station around 14:30, the station staff had set up a temporary ticket office.

Preparing the fence for traffic regulation has also started.

The number of people on Chuo Boulevard has also increased.

◆ 16:30 to 18:00
When I headed to Otsu Station again at 4:30 pm, it was starting to get quite crowded.

Even if it's crowded, the staff will guide you well so you won't get stuck.

When I left Otsu Station and reached Chuo Odori, people spread out and the congestion disappeared.

At 17:00, fences for traffic control will be installed on the road.

Now the car can't enter the central boulevard.

The number of people has increased steadily, but it is not so crowded because the width of the road can be used widely.

People tend to gather around the railroad crossing, but the staff are well guided.

The police and security guards from multiple companies participated in the induction.

A fire truck also appeared.

The entrance to the paid bleachers was quite crowded probably because of ticket confirmation.

People gather one after another in the free viewing area. There are still spaces for people to enter, but only spaces with poor conditions such as 'next to the trash can' remain.

There was a vending machine, but tea and Pocari Sweat were sold out.

Fireworks launch starts at 19:30, but the space in the free viewing area was almost completely filled at 19:00.

The roads are also quite congested. However, there was no congestion that prevented us from proceeding.

There was a place next to the Biwako Hall where no blindfold fence was installed, and many people were sitting down to secure their place.

There is also a crowd in the area where the blindfold fence on the east side of the Biwako Cultural Center is not installed.

When the fireworks started, many people stopped and began to appreciate the fireworks through the blindfold fence. Even so, there were many people who responded to the staff's voice of 'Please leave a space to move', and it was not impossible to proceed.

Some places are one-way during the launch, and people flow smoothly.

Some people tried to shoot the fireworks through the gap in the blindfold fence, but there is a space on the road.

There was also an area where there were few people even though it was launching.

The blindfold fence seems to have achieved at least the purpose of 'eliminating congestion'.

We published an article to see if fireworks can be viewed through a blindfold fence.

We have been interviewing locals whether free spectators can enjoy fireworks at the ``2023 Lake Biwa Fireworks Festival'' where a blindfold fence was installed-GIGAZINE

in Coverage, Posted by log1o_hf