A restaurant that implemented a fast eating challenge of `` free if you eat all 108 wontons within the time limit '' will be caught

CNN reports that a Chinese restaurant that offered a 108 wonton fast-eating challenge was under investigation for allegedly violating China's anti-food waste law. In recent years, it has been strictly prohibited by law to waste food in China, and fines have been imposed for providing services and content related to gluttony and fast eating.
Authorities swoop on Chinese restaurant that challenged customers to eat 108 dumplings | CNN

CNN reports that a restaurant in Yibin, southwestern Sichuan, China, is under investigation by authorities as news from The Cover, a state-run news agency. At this restaurant, it was said that they were offering a fast eating challenge that would be free if they ate 108 or more Sichuan-style wontons called ` ` Chaosho ' ' within the time limit. The restaurant used social media to advertise the fast-eating challenge to gain attention, which backfired and led to an investigation by the State Administration of Market Regulation for allegedly violating the Anti-Waste Law. That's right.
The Anti-Food Waste Law is a law that came into effect in April 2021 in China with the aim of promoting food loss reduction. Originally in China, it was customary to leave a small amount of food behind instead of eating it completely. However, in 2013 , 50 million tons of leftover food was produced annually. ” spread mainly on SNS. In addition, in 2020, President Xi Jinping issued a special directive calling on people to refrain from overspending and save money.
One of the triggers for the enactment of the Anti-Food Waste Law is the streamer who performs live distribution on SNS. In China, the popularity of streamers is overheating, and more and more streamers are performing live distribution of more extreme stories, and one of them seems to be a gluttony project that forcefully eats a large amount of food. The government has severely criticized the streamers who carry out this gluttonous project, and has come to enact an anti-food waste law.
Under the Anti-Waste Food Law, a restaurant owner who 'provokes customers to over-order or mislead customers to clearly waste food' can be fined up to 10,000 yuan (approximately 20 dollars). 10,000 yen) fine. In addition, video and audio distributors such as radio stations and television stations can pay up to 100,000 yuan (about 2 million yen) if they are involved in the production, publication, or promotion of programs or voice messages related to excessive eating or overeating. will be fined.

by faungg's photos
On the other hand, some netizens posted on social media, ``Will the poor be able to get enough food just because they stopped eating fast or eating too much?'' ``Rather than wasting food, Should food safety be regulated?' CNN reported that he criticized the authorities for going too far.
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in Food, Posted by log1i_yk