Bots occupy half of Internet traffic, over 30% of traffic is by malicious bots
There are many good and bad bots on the Internet. A study by security firm Imperva revealed that bots accounted for 47.4% of all internet traffic in 2022. We also found that 30.2% of the total traffic was occupied by malicious bots.
2023 Imperva Bad Bot Report | Resource Library
Many bots are active on the Internet for the purpose of 'automatically filling in various forms' and 'collecting information from websites'. A survey by Imperva revealed that bots accounted for 47.4% of all Internet traffic in 2022. In addition, 30.2% of the total communication traffic was malicious bots aimed at ``scraping to gain a competitive advantage,'' ``DDoS attacks,'' and ``hijacking user accounts.''
The figure below summarizes the transition of 'human communication (blue)', 'good bot communication (green)' and 'malicious bot communication (gray)' from 2013 to 2022. Communication by bots decreased once after exceeding the majority in 2014, but it can be seen that it has been on the increase since 2019. In addition, the proportion of malicious bots will reach its highest level in 2022.
Below is a chart summarizing the ratio of 'communication by malicious bot (black)', 'communication by good bot (green)' and 'communication by human (blue)' for each country. In Germany, the percentage of communications by malicious bots has reached 68.6%, which is more than the majority. In addition, the proportion of communications by malicious bots in Japan is 16.3%.
It is like this when the ratio of 'communication by malicious bot (black)', 'communication by good bot (green)' and 'communication by human (blue)' is summarized by industry. The highest percentage of communication traffic by malicious bots is 58.7% for 'Gaming', followed by 47.7% for 'Telecom & ISPs' and 'Community & Society'. Followed by 41.4%.
Below is a pie chart summarizing the percentage of ``bot attacks'' confirmed in 2022 by industry. The most attacked was “Travel” at 24.7%, followed by “Retail” at 21.0% and “Financial Services” at 12.7%.
The full text of the report by Imperva can be downloaded by clicking 'Download Report Now' at the link below and filling in the necessary items.
2023 Imperva Bad Bot Report | Resource Library
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in Web Service, Posted by log1o_hf