``Sony has launched a legal attack that threatens the freedom of speech on the Internet,'' Quad 9 claims

Sony Music

Entertainment's German subsidiary, which oversees Sony 's music business, has filed a lawsuit against Quad9 , a free DNS service that blocks access to malware-infected websites. Sony has asked Quad9 to `` block access to websites that link to sites that contain files that Sony has determined to be infringing copyrights '', but Quad 9 side said `` Sony's demands amount to substantial content censorship and risk cracking the foundations of a free and open Internet in Europe and the world.'

Sony's Legal Attack on Quad9, Censorship, and Freedom of Speech | Quad9

Quad9 is a DNS resolver that provides the function of 'blocking listed malicious websites'. In Germany, it has been pointed out that such a DNS resolver is a ``loophole for accessing pirated sites'', and Sony is suing Quad9 over this.

Sony Music wins `` block command for pirated distribution site '' against free DNS resolver - GIGAZINE

Quad9 claims that Sony's lawsuit ``may affect not only Quad9 but all users who use the Internet.'' What's wrong with Sony's lawsuit and how Quad9 claims it could affect any internet user is summarized in the video below.

Sony vs Quad9: An Overview of the Pending Litigation-YouTube

Thanks to its neutral and globally uniform architecture, the Internet enables billions of people around the world to freely access a wide range of knowledge and information. 'The assumption is that information published on the Internet is not influenced by governments or large corporations,' Quad9 said.

Quad9 claims that Sony is trying to threaten the major premise of such an existing Internet.

Quad9 is a service known as a DNS resolver and operated by the Quad9 Foundation, a non-profit organization with a high public interest. As such, the Quad9 Foundation operates on a donation basis and describes Quad9 as ``something like a neutral automatic sign''.

How the DNS resolver actually works is that when a user accesses a web page using a device such as a PC or smartphone, the device sends a request containing the domain name to the DNS resolver.

This request reaches the DNS resolver via the Internet Service Provider (ISP). In response to the request, the DNS resolver side returns the IP address of the website.

When a user receives a website's IP address, it sends it to the server that hosts the website.

In this way, the user will be able to receive the website data from the server side and will be able to open the website.

The DNS resolver is an important infrastructure that forms the existing Internet, but even if you use the Internet in your daily life, you will not notice this existence. Normally, users use the default DNS resolver provided by their Internet provider, but privacy-conscious Internet users use DNS resolvers like Quad9.

Sony's complaint forced Quad9 to block certain websites from DNS name resolution. This particular website is 'a website that contains information that Sony determines may lead to copyright infringement.'

Sony Music Entertainment, which oversees Sony's music business, is based in New York, USA. Quad9, on the other hand, is an organization based in Zurich, Switzerland. And Sony filed a copyright infringement lawsuit in Hamburg, Germany. Quad9 pointed out that one of the reasons for filing a lawsuit in Germany is ``because it is famous for giving judgments in favor of plaintiffs in copyright disputes.''

Quad9 argues that ``Sony used the Hamburg Court as a loophole,'' which has strong legal protections for privacy and human rights. In addition, ``Sony's lawsuit against Quad9 is only a test case. said.

The Sony lawsuit leaves Quad9 with two options. One is to 'implement an expensive and overall performance-degrading function to distinguish queries originating from Germany', and the other is 'webpages that Sony has determined are infringing copyright'. globally.' In addition, Quad9 criticizes that both options are dangerous approaches that use DNS resolvers, which should be public resources, to gain private profits and lead to the disadvantages of Internet users. As for the second approach, Quad9 argued that it 'would make the global civil rights violation even worse.'

If Quad9 is forced to adopt these options, it is clear that intellectual property owners around the world will demand 'block this website'. If that happens, similar requests will be made to DNS resolvers other than Quad9, and service providers will be forced to block websites at the request of companies, ultimately free and unrestricted. Quad9 points out that the existing Internet will become cramped and restrictive. And Quad9 argues that if Sony's claims pass in this lawsuit, it will lead to opening the way to this Internet dystopia.

To avoid this, the German Civil Rights Association and other groups are providing legal and financial support to defend Quad9 against Sony's lawsuits. Quad9 can be supported by organizations other than these groups. Specifically, it is explained that playing videos and pressing likes and explaining the situation Quad9 is facing to others will lead to support for Quad9.

In addition, Quad9 is collecting donations on the official website, and anyone can donate from the link below.

Donate | Quad9

in Video, Posted by logu_ii