A collection of photographs capturing the fantastic life hidden in just one drop of seawater
by Angel Fitor
Various creatures live in the sea, from large to small. Angel Fitor, a professional photographer who specializes in the underwater environment, has released a number of photographs that capture creatures hidden in a single drop of seawater.
These Gorgeous Photos Capture Life Inside a Drop of Seawater | Science | Smithsonian Magazine
The following pictures are crustacean creatures called copepods . From egg to adult, it develops through six larval and six juvenile stages, with each stage growing a new leg.
by Angel Fitor
Adult sea cucumbers have a distinctive elongated shape, but larvae look like jellyfish.
by Angel Fitor
Clockwise from bottom right: copepods,
by Angel Fitor
On the left is an immature
by Angel Fitor
This is an organism of the genus Copyria . It is characterized by a lens like an eyeball in the upper part, but it has no eyesight and lives relying on the sensation of chemoreceptors.
by Angel Fitor
by Angel Fitor
It is a type of copepod and is one of a group of organisms called '
by Angel Fitor
A photograph of a worm carrying an egg mass repelling shrimp-like larvae. It swims away, tapping the larvae with its tail.
by Angel Fitor
A type of copepod called
by Angel Fitor
After collecting a sample of water, Mr. Fitor seems to bring it back to his home studio and shoot it before the creature inside dies. At times, it took eight hours to take a single picture, says Fitor. We wanted to capture the bright blue and gold bodies and show them in action just like we do when we photograph other marine life.'
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